Endeavoring to create a scalable, sustainable, and flexible system able to effectively respond to the ever changing needs of our members as well as the constant evolution of the ‘verse, we hereby establish the Federation of Free Companies. This Federation is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to facilitating the success of small to medium sized member Companies by leveraging economies of scale, inter-organization relationships, and common cause to amplify the capabilities of each independent Company.
Our structure supports decentralized units, allowing for innovation, flexibility, and rapid deployment of forces to respond to any situation. Our democratic principles ensure that our membership is able to grow and evolve with the ‘verse, and periodic elections guarantee that leaders are present and aware of important developments as well as the needs of their subordinates.
Each Company’s independence enables collaborative efforts without inherently causing the decisions of any one Company to negatively impact others. With a focus on freedom coupled with reasonable accountability, our core principles enshrine mutual respect and mature behaviors we expect of our members.
Articles of the Federation of Free Companies
Article I – Independent Companies are free to run their own day to day operations as they see fit, so long as they adhere to the overarching principles and policies of the Federation.
Each Company is responsible for periodically electing a Commanding Officer, whether through direct or representative democracy. This Commanding Officer is ultimately accountable for ensuring their Company adheres to the Core Principles and Charter of the Federation.
In-game finances are handled internally by each Company. While some funds may be requested from time to time to provide for certain membership benefits, these programs may be opted out of, thereby absolving the Company of financial obligations.
Article II – Federation Officers gather on a periodic basis to vote upon strategic goals, Federation policies, and other major decisions.
New Companies may be created by filing a petition with at least four signatories, drafting a charter compliant with the Federation Charter and Core Principles, and requesting approval via supermajority (60%) vote by the Federation Officers. Companies whose charter has been revoked due to inactivity may resubmit their petition at any time, provided they meet the criteria above.
Officer meetings must occur no less than on a quarterly basis. If a Company’s Officer is unable to attend, a proxy must be sent in their stead.
Any Companies found to be consistently in violation of Federation policy may be dissolved via three-fourths majority vote of all Federation Officers.
In situations where multiple Companies frequently deploy together, their Officers may voluntarily form a TaskForce, selecting an Admiral to coordinate operations between these Companies until such time as the TaskForce dissolves.
All task forces must include a “sunset” clause prompting renewal or dissolution of the TaskForce.
If the TaskForce achieves sufficient size, its Admiral may create additional tiers of leadership to aid in coordination.
Admirals may be deposed via majority vote of TaskForce Officers at any time.
Participating Companies may depart from a TaskForce at any time.
Amendments to the Federation Charter may be made only by unanimous vote of Federation Officers
Article III – Interested recruits must agree to the rules and policies of the Federation, triggering a trial period wherein they may participate in low level operations and training exercises as a “Prospect”. At the end of this trial period, Companies may submit a “bid” for the Prospect, who may then choose between those bids and pledge themselves to a Company. Alternatively, recruits may join a participating company directly, bypassing the bidding process, according to the rules of that company.
If a Prospect receives no bids, they are wished farewell and offboarded. This bidding process may be repeated once per year, unless a Prospect is permanently banned.
Members of organizations that participate in griefing are not permitted.
Article IV – Affiliates welcome Memberships within other organizations are allowed and encouraged to facilitate the building up of a network of like minded organizations able to mutually aid one another or engage in economic endeavors.
Affiliates may serve in any Company, however certain Companies may in their charter prohibit service in leadership positions.